Many people became much more enthusiastic about living in California in 1848. Why did people’s attitudes towards the territory change?(1 point) Responses

US mappers learned how suitable for life the terrain was in California.
US mappers learned how suitable for life the terrain was in California.

There was the possibility of amassing vast fortune in California due to the discovery of gold.
There was the possibility of amassing vast fortune in California due to the discovery of gold.

California’s war with the United States ended.
California’s war with the United States ended.

California was not widely known to exist in the Eastern United States until 1848

There was the possibility of amassing vast fortune in California due to the discovery of gold.

The main reason for the change in people's attitudes towards living in California in 1848 was the discovery of gold. This brought the possibility of amassing a vast fortune, which attracted many people to the territory. As a result, California became much more appealing to settlers and entrepreneurs looking for economic opportunities. Furthermore, California's war with the United States ended, which also contributed to the positive perception of the territory. It is worth noting that California was not widely known to exist in the Eastern United States until 1848, and the discovery of gold played a significant role in putting California on the map and capturing people's attention.

The correct response is: There was the possibility of amassing vast fortune in California due to the discovery of gold.

People's attitudes towards living in California changed in 1848 due to the discovery of gold. This event, known as the California Gold Rush, attracted thousands of people to the territory in hopes of striking it rich. News of the gold discovery spread like wildfire, and people from all over the world flocked to California in pursuit of wealth and opportunity. The promise of amassing a vast fortune through gold mining greatly influenced people's enthusiasm towards living in California during this time.