If 1 gallon of gas is $3.69 how much of that gallon is $.31

To calculate how much of a gallon of gas is $0.31, we need to divide the cost ($0.31) by the price per gallon ($3.69).

$0.31 ÷ $3.69 = 0.084

Therefore, $0.31 is approximately 0.084 gallons of gas.

To find out how much of 1 gallon of gas is $0.31, you can use a simple proportion.

Let's set up the proportion:

(Price of $0.31) / (Price of $3.69) = (Quantity of gas corresponding to $0.31) / (Quantity of gas in 1 gallon)

Using the given values, we have:

$0.31 / $3.69 = x / 1

To solve for x (the quantity of gas corresponding to $0.31), we can cross multiply:

$0.31 * 1 = $3.69 * x

0.31 = 3.69x

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 3.69:

0.31 / 3.69 = x

Simplifying the division:

x ≈ 0.084 gallons

Therefore, approximately 0.084 gallons of gas is $0.31 out of 1 gallon.

To determine how much of a gallon of gas is $0.31, you need to calculate the proportion of gallons equivalent to $0.31.

First, divide $0.31 by the price of 1 gallon, which is $3.69:
$0.31 / $3.69 = 0.084

This means that $0.31 is approximately 8.4% of the cost of 1 gallon of gas.

To find out how much of that gallon is $0.31, you need to multiply 8.4% by the total volume of the gallon:
1 gallon * 8.4% = 0.084 gallons

Therefore, $0.31 represents approximately 0.084 gallons of the total gallon of gas.