Which document is the basis for limited government in England and around the world?

Petition of Right
Magna Carta
English Bill of Right
Declaration of Independence

The Magna Carta is the document that is considered the basis for limited government in England and around the world.

The document that is considered the basis for limited government in England and around the world is the Magna Carta.

The document that serves as the basis for limited government in England and around the world is the Magna Carta.

To understand why the Magna Carta is the correct answer, let's break down and compare the options provided:

1. Petition of Right: The Petition of Right, issued in 1628, mainly addressed specific grievances against King Charles I of England. While it emphasized certain liberties and restrictions on the monarch's power, it did not have the same profound impact as the Magna Carta.

2. Magna Carta: The Magna Carta, signed in 1215, is considered one of the most significant legal documents in history. It was created to limit the arbitrary power of King John of England and protect the rights of individuals. It established principles such as due process, protection against unlawful imprisonment, and the idea that no one, including the king, is above the law. The Magna Carta's influence extends beyond England and has influenced the development of constitutional law worldwide.

3. English Bill of Rights: The English Bill of Rights, passed in 1689, was enacted to settle the political and religious disputes of the time. It outlined specific rights and restrictions on the English monarchy, such as prohibiting the monarch from suspending laws without Parliament's consent. While it played a significant role in shaping the governance of England, it does not have the same historical precedence as the Magna Carta.

4. Declaration of Independence: The Declaration of Independence, adopted by the American Continental Congress in 1776, declared the United States' independence from Great Britain. While it represents an important moment in American history and influenced the formation of the American government, it is not directly related to limited government in England or worldwide.

Therefore, the correct answer is the Magna Carta, as it is the document that served as the foundation for limited government in England and had a lasting impact on constitutional law around the world.