Galaxies are best classified by (1 point)


Galaxies are best classified by their shape.

Galaxies are best classified by their shape. The shape of a galaxy is determined by its overall structure, including the arrangement and distribution of stars. There are three main types of galaxy shapes: spiral, elliptical, and irregular.

To classify a galaxy by its shape, astronomers typically use telescopes to observe and study its appearance. They look for key characteristics such as the presence of a central bulge, the arrangement of spiral arms, or the overall smoothness or irregularity of the galaxy.

Spiral galaxies have a distinct central bulge with arms that spiral outwards, resembling a pinwheel. Elliptical galaxies, on the other hand, have a more rounded or elliptical shape with a smooth and featureless appearance. Irregular galaxies, as the name suggests, have irregular and chaotic shapes with no defined structure.

By examining the shape of a galaxy, astronomers can gain insights into its formation and evolution. It helps them understand the dynamics, interactions, and history of galaxies in the vast universe.
