Which Chinese philosophy, later embraced by Japanese warriors for its emphasis on obedience and social harmony, is referenced here?

A. Confucianism
B. Taoism
C. Legalism
D. Shintoism

A. Confucianism

The Chinese philosophy, later embraced by Japanese warriors for its emphasis on obedience and social harmony, is Confucianism (option A).

The philosophy that is referenced here, which was later embraced by Japanese warriors for its emphasis on obedience and social harmony, is A. Confucianism.

To find the answer, we can look at the given options and analyze the characteristics of each Chinese philosophy that could match the description.

Option A: Confucianism - Confucianism is a Chinese philosophy that focuses on moral and ethical teachings, social order, and harmony. It emphasizes respect for authority and emphasizes the roles and duties of individuals within society. Confucianism places great importance on obedience and social harmony.

Option B: Taoism - Taoism is another Chinese philosophy that promotes living in harmony with Tao (the Way) and emphasizes the balance between opposing forces. While Taoism encourages individuals to live in harmony with nature and follow their intuition, it does not specifically emphasize obedience or social harmony in the same way as Confucianism.

Option C: Legalism - Legalism is a Chinese philosophy that focuses on strict laws, tight social control, and the use of rewards and punishments to maintain order. While Legalism does emphasize obedience, it does not necessarily promote social harmony as a key aspect.

Option D: Shintoism - Shintoism is the traditional religion of Japan and has its roots in ancient Japanese beliefs and spirituality. While Shintoism does have elements of obedience and social harmony, it is not originally a Chinese philosophy and does not fit the description as given in the question.

By comparing the characteristics of each option, we can conclude that A. Confucianism is the philosophy referenced since it is known for its emphasis on obedience and social harmony, which aligns with the description given in the question.