These photographs are of the same student at Carlisle Indian School during the late nineteenth century. Which word best explains the changes shown in these photographs?

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The word that best explains the changes shown in these photographs is "Assimilation."

To determine the word that best explains the changes shown in these photographs, we need to understand the context of the Carlisle Indian School during the late nineteenth century.

Carlisle Indian School was an educational institution that aimed to assimilate Native American students into mainstream American culture. The school's primary purpose was to replace tribal traditions and heritage with Western values and lifestyle.

Looking at the options provided, the word that best captures the changes shown in these photographs is "Assimilation." Assimilation refers to the process of adopting the culture, customs, and values of a dominant group. In this case, the photographs likely depict the changes in the student's appearance, clothing, and overall behavior as they underwent the assimilation process at the Carlisle Indian School.