How did the spread of Confucianism affect Japanese women?

(1 point)

Women became active as writers and poets.

Women became active as writers and poets.

Many women became scholar-officials.

Many women became scholar-officials.

Women became better educated.

Women became better educated.

The status of women became lower.

The status of women became lower.

The correct response is: Women became better educated.

The correct answer is: The status of women became lower.

Confucianism, which originated in China, had a significant impact on various aspects of Japanese society, including the status of women. Confucianism emphasized hierarchical relationships and assigned specific roles and duties based on one's position in society. According to Confucian teachings, women were expected to be submissive and obedient, primarily fulfilling domestic roles as wives and mothers. Consequently, the spread of Confucianism in Japan led to a decline in the social status of women.

To arrive at this answer, you can observe the effects of Confucianism on Japanese society and see how it influenced the role and status of women. Some possible methods for determining the answer could include examining historical documents, studying the social structure during that time, and analyzing the beliefs and teachings of Confucianism. By considering these factors, you can conclude that the status of women became lower as a result of the spread of Confucianism in Japan.