Which option describes passive voice in a sentence?(1 point)


The subject is acted upon by the verb.
The subject is acted upon by the verb.

The subject performs the action stated by the verb.
The subject performs the action stated by the verb.

The sentence uses past tense verbs.
The sentence uses past tense verbs.

The sentence uses present tense verbs.

The subject is acted upon by the verb.

The correct option that describes passive voice in a sentence is:

The subject is acted upon by the verb.

The correct option that describes passive voice in a sentence is: "The subject is acted upon by the verb." In passive voice sentences, the subject of the sentence is the receiver of the action rather than the doer. The subject is being acted upon by the verb. For example, in the sentence "The ball was thrown by John," the subject (the ball) is being acted upon (thrown) by the verb, and John is not the doer of the action.