Why did Jefferson and his Democratic Republican party oppose policies that favored manufacturing and trade?(1 point)


The Democratic Republicans believed they would lead to a reduction in farming and cause Americans to rely on foreign goods
The Democratic Republicans believed they would lead to a reduction in farming and cause Americans to rely on foreign goods

The Democratic Republicans believed they would negatively affect American trade relations with other nations.
The Democratic Republicans believed they would negatively affect American trade relations with other nations.

The Democratic Republicans felt they posed a threat to slavery in the South.
The Democratic Republicans felt they posed a threat to slavery in the South.

The Democratic Republicans felt they would corrupt the nation and give power only to a wealthy few

The Democratic Republicans felt they would corrupt the nation and give power only to a wealthy few.

The correct answer is: The Democratic Republicans felt they would corrupt the nation and give power only to a wealthy few.

The correct response is: The Democratic Republicans felt they would corrupt the nation and give power only to a wealthy few.

To understand why Jefferson and his Democratic Republican party opposed policies that favored manufacturing and trade, we need to examine their beliefs and ideals. The Democratic Republicans, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, were primarily agrarian-minded and believed in a decentralized agrarian society. They valued the independence and self-sufficiency that farming provided, and saw it as the backbone of the American economy.

Jefferson and his party opposed policies that favored manufacturing and trade because they believed that these policies would lead to a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the elite few. They argued that promoting industry and commerce would create an economic system that favored the wealthy and would undermine the egalitarian and democratic principles that they held dear.

Additionally, the Democratic Republicans were wary of the potential negative effects on agriculture. They believed that an emphasis on manufacturing and trade would lead to a reduction in farming and cause Americans to rely on foreign goods. This, they argued, would make the country vulnerable to economic fluctuations and foreign influence.

In summary, Jefferson and his Democratic Republican party opposed policies that favored manufacturing and trade because they believed these policies would corrupt the nation, concentrate power in the hands of a wealthy few, and negatively affect the agrarian society they valued.