Question 3 (Marks: 20)

Global project management requires a set of competencies that a project manager and team must
have .
Q.3.1.1 Discuss how the following competencies provide value for the
project manager and project team:
• Foreign language skills
• Awareness and understanding of cultures and customs.
• Understanding of Technology
• Cultural awareness
• Collaborative communication
Q.3.1.2 Discuss the concept of globalisation and how it affects project
management. Include five influencing factors that affect project
success in a global environment.


Competencies such as foreign language skills, awareness and understanding of cultures and customs, understanding of technology, cultural awareness, and collaborative communication provide value for both the project manager and the project team in the context of global project management.

1. Foreign language skills:
Having foreign language skills enables the project manager and team to effectively communicate with stakeholders from different countries or regions. This reduces misunderstandings, improves efficiency, and fosters better collaboration between team members who speak different languages.

2. Awareness and understanding of cultures and customs:
Being aware of cultural differences and customs helps the project manager and team to adapt to the cultural nuances of different regions. This knowledge can prevent miscommunication, misunderstandings, and potential conflicts. It also helps in building trust and positive relationships with stakeholders.

3. Understanding of technology:
In a global project management context, technologies play a crucial role. Project managers and teams need to have a solid understanding of technology to effectively manage the tasks, collaborate with remote team members, and leverage digital tools for communication, project tracking, and documentation.

4. Cultural awareness:
Cultural awareness allows project managers and team members to anticipate cultural differences that can impact project execution. By understanding the beliefs, values, and behaviors of different cultures, they can tailor their approaches, manage expectations, and make decisions that are culturally sensitive and appropriate.

5. Collaborative communication:
Effective collaborative communication is essential in global project management. Project managers and team members must be able to communicate clearly and concisely across different time zones and cultures. They should be skilled in using various communication channels and techniques, such as virtual meetings, video conferencing, and written communication, to ensure effective information exchange and collaboration.

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries and organizations worldwide. It has a significant impact on project management, as projects increasingly involve stakeholders spread across different countries, cultures, and time zones. Some key influencing factors that affect project success in a global environment are as follows:

1. Cultural diversity:
Global projects often involve teams from different countries and cultures. The diverse cultural backgrounds can impact communication styles, decision-making processes, and expectations. Project managers need to effectively manage and leverage this diversity to ensure effective collaboration and project success.

2. Time zone differences:
Working across different time zones can pose challenges in terms of scheduling meetings, coordinating activities, and ensuring timely communication. Project managers need to develop strategies to manage time zone differences and ensure that all team members are able to participate and contribute effectively.

3. Legal and regulatory requirements:
Projects operating globally must comply with various legal and regulatory requirements specific to different countries or regions. Project managers need to have a thorough understanding of these requirements and ensure that the project activities and deliverables adhere to the relevant laws and regulations.

4. Communication challenges:
Communication in a global project context can be challenging due to language barriers, cultural differences, and varying communication norms. Project managers need to facilitate effective communication by using appropriate communication channels, providing clear instructions, and ensuring that all team members are on the same page.

5. Virtual collaboration:
Global projects often rely heavily on virtual collaboration tools and technologies. Project managers need to select and implement suitable tools for remote communication, task management, and collaboration. They also need to ensure that team members are proficient in using these tools and that they have the necessary training and support to work effectively in a virtual environment.


Having foreign language skills is beneficial for project managers and teams in global project management as it allows them to effectively communicate with stakeholders from different countries and cultures. It helps in building trust, understanding requirements, resolving conflicts, and establishing strong relationships. Foreign language skills also enable the project manager and team to navigate through any language barriers or misunderstandings, thereby enhancing project success.

Awareness and understanding of cultures and customs is crucial in global project management as it helps project managers and teams adapt to cultural differences. It allows them to understand and respect the values, beliefs, and practices of different cultures, enabling effective collaboration and building effective relationships. By being aware of cultural nuances, project managers and teams can avoid cultural misunderstandings and conflicts, leading to smoother project execution.

Understanding of technology is essential for project managers and teams in global project management, as technology enables seamless communication, collaboration, and coordination across different time zones and geographical locations. It helps in overcoming physical barriers, facilitates virtual meetings, and enables real-time sharing of information and resources. Having a good understanding of technology also helps in selecting appropriate project management tools and software, enhancing project productivity and efficiency.

Cultural awareness is important in global project management as it helps project managers and teams to adapt their communication and management styles to suit different cultural contexts. It allows them to understand how cultural differences impact behavior, decision-making, and communication styles, thereby enabling effective engagement with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. Cultural awareness also fosters empathy, respect, and inclusiveness, leading to improved teamwork, collaboration, and project outcomes.

Collaborative communication is a key competency for global project management as it promotes effective communication and collaboration among project team members, stakeholders, and partners across different countries and cultures. It involves active listening, effective speaking, and open-mindedness. Collaborative communication fosters understanding, trust, and mutual respect, leading to improved teamwork, knowledge sharing, and problem-solving. It helps project managers and teams overcome communication barriers and build strong relationships with stakeholders, ultimately contributing to project success.


Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, societies, and cultures around the world. It has profoundly impacted project management and necessitated a shift in how projects are planned, executed, and managed across borders.

Five influencing factors that affect project success in a global environment are:

1. Cultural differences: In a global environment, project teams often consist of members from diverse cultural backgrounds. These differences in values, beliefs, communication styles, and decision-making processes can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and challenges in project execution. Project managers need to be sensitive to these cultural differences and adapt their management approach accordingly to ensure effective communication, collaboration, and team cohesion.

2. Time zone and geographical differences: Global projects often involve team members and stakeholders located in different time zones and geographical locations. This can pose challenges in terms of scheduling meetings, coordinating tasks, and ensuring timely communication and decision-making. Project managers need to effectively manage these differences by implementing flexible working arrangements, leveraging technology for virtual collaboration, and establishing clear communication protocols.

3. Language barriers: In global projects, language differences can hinder effective communication and understanding among project team members and stakeholders. This can result in misinterpretation, delays, and conflicts. Project managers need to address these language barriers by encouraging the use of common languages, providing language support and translation services, and promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity.

4. Legal and regulatory requirements: Global projects often involve compliance with varying legal and regulatory frameworks in different countries. Project managers need to have a good understanding of these requirements, ensure project compliance, and navigate through any legal or regulatory challenges. This may involve partnering with local experts or consultants and establishing strong relationships with relevant authorities.

5. Stakeholder management: In a global environment, project stakeholders can include individuals, organizations, and governmental bodies from different countries and cultures. Effective stakeholder management becomes crucial to ensure understanding and alignment of project goals, expectations, and priorities. Project managers need to identify and engage with key stakeholders, establish strong relationships, and develop strategies to address their specific needs and concerns.

Overall, globalization has expanded the scope and complexity of project management by introducing new challenges and opportunities. Project managers need to develop the necessary skills, competencies, and strategies to navigate these influences and ensure project success in a global environment.

To answer question 3.1.1, you can discuss how each competency provides value for the project manager and project team as follows:

1. Foreign language skills: Having knowledge of foreign languages allows the project manager and team to effectively communicate with stakeholders from different countries. It helps in understanding their requirements, negotiating contracts, and building strong relationships with clients and partners.

2. Awareness and understanding of cultures and customs: This competency enables the project manager and team to navigate the cultural differences that may exist in a global project. It helps in adapting project management approaches, building trust, and avoiding misunderstandings or conflicts that can arise due to cultural differences.

3. Understanding of technology: In a global project, technology plays a crucial role in communication, collaboration, and project execution. A project manager and team with a strong understanding of technology can leverage the right tools and systems to facilitate effective virtual collaboration, track project progress, and manage resources efficiently.

4. Cultural awareness: Cultural awareness goes beyond understanding customs; it involves recognizing and appreciating the diversity of beliefs, values, and attitudes within a global project. It allows the project manager and team to promote inclusivity, manage diverse teams effectively, and foster a positive and respectful working environment.

5. Collaborative communication: In a global project, effective communication is essential to ensure that all stakeholders are aligned, informed, and engaged. Collaborative communication skills help the project manager and team to bridge language and cultural gaps, facilitate knowledge sharing, and resolve conflicts promptly.

For question 3.1.2, the concept of globalization and its impact on project management can be discussed as follows:

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries and organizations across borders. It has greatly influenced project management practices, particularly in the context of global projects. Here are five influencing factors that affect project success in a global environment:

1. Cultural differences: Global projects involve working with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Cultural differences can impact communication, decision-making, and team dynamics. Project managers need to navigate these differences by being culturally sensitive and adapting their approaches to accommodate the needs and expectations of stakeholders.

2. Time zones and geographical distance: Global projects often involve team members and stakeholders located in different time zones and geographical locations. This can lead to challenges in coordinating meetings, resolving issues, and ensuring timely communication. Project managers must effectively manage these logistical challenges by leveraging technology, setting clear expectations, and establishing effective communication channels.

3. Legal and regulatory complexities: Global projects may have to comply with various legal and regulatory frameworks across different countries. Project managers need to be aware of these complexities and ensure that the project adheres to all applicable laws and regulations. This may involve consulting legal experts, obtaining necessary permits or licenses, and implementing appropriate risk management strategies.

4. Language barriers: Language differences can create communication barriers in global projects. Project managers should be mindful of these barriers and proactively address them by using translators or interpreters, providing clear and concise documentation, and promoting cross-cultural understanding within the team.

5. Different business practices and standards: Global projects may involve working with partners, suppliers, or clients who follow different business practices and standards. Project managers should be adaptable and flexible in their approach, understanding and aligning with the expectations of all parties involved. This may involve negotiating contracts, establishing common project management methodologies, and accommodating different project governance processes.

Remember, these explanations are just a guide. Make sure to expand on each point and provide real-world examples or case studies to further support your answers.