How were the colonist divided once the revolutionary war began

They were divided into Spartans and Romans
They were divided into wings and Tories
They were divided into patriots loyalists and undecided
They were never divided, and never fought a war

The correct answer is: They were divided into patriots, loyalists, and undecided.

The colonists were divided into Patriots, Loyalists, and undecided individuals once the Revolutionary War began. The Patriots were those who supported the independence movement and were actively fighting against British rule. Loyalists were colonists who remained loyal to the British Crown and opposed the revolution. There were also individuals who were undecided and did not align themselves with either side at the beginning of the war.

The correct answer is: They were divided into patriots, loyalists, and undecided.


Once the Revolutionary War began, the American colonists were divided into three main groups based on their political beliefs and loyalties.

1. Patriots: These were colonists who supported the cause of independence and the revolution against British rule. They believed in creating a new nation and were willing to fight for it. Patriots actively participated in the war effort by joining the Continental Army, serving as militia members, and aiding in various ways to support the American cause.

2. Loyalists: Also known as Tories, loyalists were colonists who remained loyal to the British crown and opposed the revolution. They believed in maintaining a strong connection and allegiance to Britain. Loyalists often faced persecution and some chose to fight on the side of the British during the war. Others opted to remain neutral or left the colonies altogether.

3. Undecided: There were also colonists who were uncertain or undecided about which side to support. These individuals were unsure about aligning themselves with either patriots or loyalists and often took a neutral stance. Some undecided colonists eventually chose a side as the war progressed, while others remained non-committal throughout.

It's important to note that these divisions were not rigid and there were individuals who switched sides during the course of the war based on personal circumstances or changes in political opinion. However, the majority of colonists aligned themselves as either patriots, loyalists, or remained undecided.