Hiroshi multiplied 27 times 3 and got 621 . What final answer should he have gotten?(1 point)

Hiroshi multiplied 27 by 3, so the correct answer should be 27 * 3 = 81.

To figure out the correct final answer, we need to determine the correct result of multiplying 27 by 3.

To find the product of two numbers, you simply multiply them together. So, to multiply 27 and 3:

27 x 3 = 81

Therefore, Hiroshi should have gotten the final answer of 81, not 621.

To calculate the correct answer to Hiroshi's multiplication problem, we can divide the result he obtained by the second number in the multiplication.

Hiroshi multiplied 27 by 3 and got 621. To find the correct answer, we divide 621 by 3.
So, Hiroshi should have obtained a final answer of 207.