Charity and Sabria both are nail artists. Charity charges $75 for a set of nails with designs and Sabria charges $70 for the same type set of nails. This week Charity made an additional $65 in tips and

Sabria made an additional $55 in tips.

earned a total of $415. How much did Sabria earn in tips this week?

Step 1: Calculate the total amount Charity earned from doing nails.
Charity earned $415 this week.

Step 2: Subtract the tips from Charity's total earnings.
$415 - $65 = $350

Step 3: Calculate the total amount Charity earned from doing nails without tips.
Charity earned $350 for doing nails this week.

Step 4: Calculate the number of sets of nails Charity did.
Charity charges $75 per set of nails.
$350 รท $75 = 4.67 sets

Step 5: Since Charity cannot do a partial set of nails, round down the number of sets Charity did to the nearest whole number.
Charity did 4 sets of nails.

Step 6: Calculate the total amount Sabria earned from doing nails without tips.
Sabria charges $70 per set of nails.
4 sets x $70 per set = $280

Step 7: Calculate the total amount Sabria earned from tips.
Charity earned $65 in tips.

So, Sabria earned $65 in tips this week.

To calculate how much money Charity made this week, we need to add her earnings from the set of nails and her tips.

Her earnings from the set of nails with designs is $75.

Her tips for this week is $65.

To find out how much money Charity made, we add her earnings and tips:

Amount made = Earnings + Tips

Amount made = $75 + $65

Thus, Charity made $140 this week.