What did the Maya adopt from the Olmec?

(1 point
O calendar
O slash-and-burn agriculture
• pyramids
• writing system

• writing system

The Maya adopted the following from the Olmec:

1. Pyramids: The Maya adopted the architectural style of building pyramids from the Olmec. They incorporated this monumental structure into their own cities and religious practices.
2. Writing System: The Maya adapted and expanded upon the Olmec writing system. They developed a complex system of glyphs and hieroglyphics, which they used to record historical events, religious ceremonies, and astronomical observations.
Therefore, the correct answer would be:
- Pyramids
- Writing system

The Maya civilization, which flourished in Mesoamerica, adopted several important aspects from the Olmec civilization. One of the key elements they adopted was the construction of pyramids. The Olmec, who preceded the Maya, were famous for their monumental stone architecture, including the construction of pyramids. The Maya were inspired by the Olmec's architectural practices and adapted them as part of their own cultural and religious practices.

To find this answer outside of this Q&A session, you would need to consult reliable sources such as history books, archaeological studies, or academic articles focused on the Maya and Olmec civilizations. These sources often provide detailed information about the cultural exchange and influences between these ancient Mesoamerican civilizations.