maria opens a saving account with $50 and then saves $19 each week. How many weeks will it take her account to reach $259? Represent this problem with an equation.

Let x represent the number of weeks it will take for Maria's account to reach $259.

The amount of money Maria saves each week is given by 19x.

The equation representing this problem is:

50 + 19x = 259

Let's represent the number of weeks it will take for Maria's account to reach $259 as "w".

Given that Maria opens a savings account with $50, her account will increase by $19 each week.

Therefore, the equation representing this problem is:

50 + 19w = 259

To represent this problem with an equation, we can use the concept of arithmetic progression.

Let's break down the problem:
- Maria opens a saving account with $50.
- She saves an additional $19 each week.
- She wants to know how many weeks it will take for her account to reach $259.

Let's assume that the number of weeks it takes for her account to reach $259 is denoted by 'n'.

To represent the amount in her account after 'n' weeks, we can use the formula for arithmetic progression:

Amount = Initial amount + (Common difference) * (n-1)

In this case:
- The initial amount is $50.
- The common difference is $19 (as she saves $19 each week).

So, the equation becomes:
50 + 19 * (n-1) = 259

This equation will help us calculate the number of weeks it will take for Maria's account to reach $259.