The silver nitrate is being poured in hydrochloric and slowly it is stirred.

Once finished stirring you can see that the silver nitrate was not mixed with the hydrochloric. An example is when you put chocolate powder on milk it mixes together, while silver nitrate and hydrochloric does not mix.

What is This type of change? Chemical or physical?

This type of change is a chemical change. When silver nitrate (AgNO3) reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCl), a chemical reaction occurs. This reaction produces a white precipitate of silver chloride (AgCl) and aqueous nitric acid (HNO3). The formation of a new substance (silver chloride) indicates a chemical change.

The type of change described, in which the silver nitrate and hydrochloric acid do not mix together even after stirring, is a physical change. A physical change refers to a change in the physical properties of a substance without altering its chemical composition. In this case, the mixture of silver nitrate and hydrochloric acid remains as separate entities, indicating that there is no chemical reaction occurring between them.

Determining whether the observed change is a chemical or physical change requires understanding the nature of the substances involved and the interactions between them. In this case, when silver nitrate is mixed with hydrochloric acid and the solution does not mix or react, it is a physical change rather than a chemical change.

To explain how we arrive at this conclusion, let's break down the concepts involved:

1. Chemical change: A chemical change, also known as a chemical reaction, involves the formation or breaking of chemical bonds, resulting in the formation of new substances with different properties. In a chemical reaction, the atoms rearrange to form different molecules.

2. Physical change: A physical change refers to a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as its shape, state (solid, liquid, gas), size, or phase, without any alteration in its chemical composition. The molecules or atoms remain the same.

In the given scenario, pouring silver nitrate into hydrochloric acid and stirring creates a physical change. The lack of visible interaction or reaction between the two substances indicates that no chemical bonds are forming or breaking. The silver nitrate and hydrochloric acid retain their original chemical identities and do not undergo a chemical reaction.

To summarize, the lack of mixing or chemical reaction suggests that this change is a physical change, as opposed to a chemical change.

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