The Industrial Revolution created migration due to which factors?(1 point)


social factors
social factors

political factors
political factors

economic factors
economic factors

environmental factors

Yes, the Industrial Revolution created migration due to social, political, economic, and environmental factors.

The Industrial Revolution created migration due to economic factors, social factors, political factors, and environmental factors.

To determine which factors contributed to migration during the Industrial Revolution, you can examine the social, political, economic, and environmental aspects.

1. Social Factors: The social impact of the Industrial Revolution played a significant role in migration. Rapid urbanization led to overcrowded cities, poor living conditions, and inadequate social services, prompting people to seek better opportunities elsewhere.

2. Political Factors: Political factors also influenced migration during this period. The Industrial Revolution brought about changes in government policies, laws, and regulations, which affected people's lives. Struggles for political freedom, religious conflicts, and persecution resulted in migration to other regions or countries.

3. Economic Factors: The Industrial Revolution brought significant changes to the economy. Technological advancements and the rise of factories created new job opportunities in industrialized regions. People migrated to areas with better employment prospects and higher wages, hoping to improve their living standards.

4. Environmental Factors: Although often overshadowed by other factors, environmental conditions also contributed to migration during the Industrial Revolution. Industrialization led to environmental degradation, especially in heavily industrialized areas. Poor air and water quality, pollution, and unfavorable living conditions prompted some people to migrate to cleaner and more rural regions.

In summary, migration during the Industrial Revolution was influenced by social, political, economic, and environmental factors. Each of these factors played a crucial role in people's decisions to move in search of better living conditions, job opportunities, political freedom, or escape from adverse environmental conditions.