The price of pair of jeans at a store increased by 25% to 40% find the pice of the pair of jeans before the increase

Let's assume the price of the pair of jeans before the increase is represented by x.

When the price increased by 25%, the new price becomes x + 0.25x = 1.25x.

When the price increased by 40%, the new price becomes x + 0.40x = 1.40x.

Therefore, the price of the pair of jeans before the increase lies between 1.25x and 1.40x.

To find the price of the pair of jeans before the increase, we need to calculate the original price.

Let's assume the original price of the pair of jeans is x.

If the price increased by 25%, the new price would be:
New price = x + (25/100) * x = x + 0.25x = 1.25x

If the price increased by 40%, the new price would be:
New price = x + (40/100) * x = x + 0.4x = 1.4x

Let's take the average of these two possibilities:
Average price = (1.25x + 1.4x) / 2 = 1.325x

Therefore, the price of the pair of jeans before the increase is approximately 1.325x.

To find the price of the pair of jeans before the increase, we can use a reverse calculation.

Let's assume the original price of the pair of jeans is represented by "x".

The price increased by 25% to 40%, so we can calculate the new price as follows:

New Price = Original Price + (Original Price * Increase Percentage)
New Price = x + (x * 25%)

Similarly, we can calculate the second increase:

Final Price = New Price + (New Price * Second Increase Percentage)
Final Price = [x + (x * 25%)] + [(x + (x * 25%)) * 40%]

Now, let's simplify this equation step by step:

Final Price = x + 0.25x + x + 0.25x * 0.4
Final Price = 2.5x + 0.1x
Final Price = 2.6x

Therefore, the final price is 2.6 times the original price (x).

To find the percentage increase, we can calculate the difference:

Percentage Increase = [(Final Price - Original Price) / Original Price] * 100
Percentage Increase = [(2.6x - x) / x] * 100
Percentage Increase = 1.6x / x * 100
Percentage Increase = 160%

Thus, the price of the pair of jeans before the increase is represented by "x," and the percentage increase is 160%.