Using your understanding of how to analyze population pyramids, which analysis of a stationary population pyramid is correct? (1 point)


There is a low life expectancy for the population.
There is a low life expectancy for the population.

The older generation makes up a greater percentage than the younger generation.
The older generation makes up a greater percentage than the younger generation.

The younger generations are replacing the older generations at an equal rate.
The younger generations are replacing the older generations at an equal rate.

The birth rate is significantly higher than the death rate.

The younger generations are replacing the older generations at an equal rate.

The correct analysis of a stationary population pyramid is: "The older generation makes up a greater percentage than the younger generation."

To analyze a population pyramid, you can follow these steps:

1. Obtain a population pyramid graph: Start by finding a population pyramid graph for the specific population you want to analyze. This graph typically displays the age distribution of a population with separate bars for different age groups.

2. Examine the shape of the pyramid: Look at the shape of the pyramid. A stationary population pyramid typically has a more rectangular or box-like shape, indicating a relatively stable population with no significant changes in birth and death rates.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

1. "There is a low life expectancy for the population."
This statement is not necessarily correct based solely on the shape of a stationary population pyramid. The shape of the pyramid does not directly provide information about life expectancy. Life expectancy is more related to factors such as healthcare, living conditions, and overall quality of life rather than the shape of the population pyramid.

2. "The older generation makes up a greater percentage than the younger generation."
This statement is correct for a stationary population pyramid. In a stationary population pyramid, the older generation, usually represented by higher age groups, tends to have a larger percentage than the younger generation. This is because the birth and death rates are relatively similar, resulting in a stable population size and a larger proportion of the population being older.

3. "The younger generations are replacing the older generations at an equal rate."
This statement is not correct for a stationary population pyramid. In a stationary pyramid, the birth and death rates are usually close to each other, indicating a stable population. Therefore, the younger and older generations are not replacing each other at an equal rate, but rather, the proportion of each age group remains relatively constant.

4. "The birth rate is significantly higher than the death rate."
This statement is not correct for a stationary population pyramid. In a stationary pyramid, the birth and death rates are typically similar, resulting in a relatively stable population size. If the birth rate were significantly higher than the death rate, the population pyramid would have a different shape, such as an expanding or growing pyramid.

Based on the analysis, the correct analysis for a stationary population pyramid is: "The older generation makes up a greater percentage than the younger generation."