"A topic is the subject, whereas the central idea is what the author wants the reader to know about the topic."

is that right?

Yes, that statement is correct. The topic refers to the general subject of a piece of writing, while the central idea refers to the main message or point that the author wants to convey about that topic.

Yes, that is correct. A topic refers to the subject or general theme being discussed or written about. On the other hand, the central idea is the specific message or main point that the author wants the reader to understand or take away from the topic.

Yes, you are correct. A topic generally refers to the subject or subject matter of a piece of writing, such as a book or an essay. It is the general theme or subject material that the author is discussing.

On the other hand, the central idea, also known as the main idea or thesis, is what the author wants the reader to understand or take away from the text. It is the most important point or message that the author is trying to convey about the topic. The central idea is often a specific statement or a concise summary of the author's viewpoint on the topic.

To determine the central idea, it is essential to closely read and analyze the text, looking for recurring themes, key arguments, or statements that strongly resonate throughout the piece. By identifying these patterns and the author's main arguments, you can grasp the central idea that the author wants to communicate.