Africa is compared to a "back that is bent" to most likely show all of the following except (1 point) Responses the hard work of the people. the hard work of the people. the people have lost all hope. the people have lost all hope. the abuse of the land owners. the abuse of the land owners. the degrading effect of slavery.

The options listed are repetitive and do not provide a clear answer. However, based on the given options, the phrase "Africa is compared to a "back that is bent"" would most likely NOT show the hard work of the people or the abuse of the landowners.

The statement "Africa is compared to a 'back that is bent'" is a metaphorical description used to convey a certain message or meaning. Here is the breakdown of the comparisons and their possible interpretations:

1. The hard work of the people: This comparison could be used to highlight the perseverance and industriousness of the African people. It suggests that the people are working hard despite adversity.

2. The people have lost all hope: This comparison indicates a sense of despair and hopelessness among the African people. It implies that they have faced significant challenges or oppression, resulting in a loss of hope.

3. The abuse of the landowners: This comparison suggests the exploitation or mistreatment of individuals who own or control the land in Africa. It highlights the negative impact of abuse and oppression on the people and the land.

4. The degrading effect of slavery: This comparison alludes to the historical context of slavery in Africa. It implies that slavery has had a long-lasting and degrading impact on the people and their society.

Based on these interpretations, it appears that this statement is comparing Africa to convey the concepts of hard work, loss of hope, abuse of landowners, and the degrading effect of slavery. However, it does not explicitly refer to the hard work of the people and the people losing all hope as separate comparisons. Therefore, the answer would be:
- Comparing Africa to a "back that is bent" does not show the hard work of the people twice.

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the given options and eliminate the one that does not fit the description.

The phrase "Africa is compared to a 'back that is bent'" suggests a portrayal of Africa as a burdened or oppressed continent. Let's assess each option in relation to this comparison:

1. "The hard work of the people" and "the abuse of the land owners" could both align with the idea of a burdened continent, as they imply strenuous labor and exploitation. Therefore, they might be valid interpretations based on the given comparison.

2. "The people have lost all hope" seems to be consistent with the portrayal of Africa as an oppressed region, as it indicates a sense of despair and resignation.

3. "The degrading effect of slavery" also aligns with the concept of Africa being burdened and oppressed, hinting at the historical legacy of slavery on the continent.

Considering the options provided, "the abuse of the land owners" does not fit the description of the comparison. It does not directly relate to the idea of Africa being portrayed as a "back that is bent." Therefore, the correct answer is (c) the abuse of the land owners.