what are the spring months in french?

The spring months in French are:

- Mars (March)
- Avril (April)
- Mai (May)

The spring months in French are:

1. Mars (March)
2. Avril (April)
3. Mai (May)

To find the names of the spring months in French, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine like Google.
2. In the search bar, type "months in French" or "les mois en français" (in French) and press Enter.
3. Look for reliable sources such as language learning websites or French dictionaries.
4. In the search results, you will find various sources listing the months in French.

Here are the names of the spring months in French:

1. March - mars
2. April - avril
3. May - mai

So, the spring months in French are "mars," "avril," and "mai."