The word philanthropy combines the prefix phil- with the root -anthropy. Phil-comes from the Greek philos, meaning "loving." -Anthropy comes from the Greek anthröpos, meaning "humanity."

What is philanthropy?
good deeds done to benefit other people
acts of kindness that reflect human wisdom
caring for and serving oneself before others

Philanthropy refers to good deeds and acts of kindness done to benefit other people. It involves caring for and serving others before oneself, reflecting human wisdom and compassion.

Philanthropy refers to good deeds done to benefit other people. It involves acts of kindness and generosity that aim to improve the well-being and quality of life of others in need. The word "philanthropy" combines the prefix "phil-", meaning "loving", with the root "-anthropy", derived from the Greek word "anthröpos", meaning "humanity".

Philanthropy refers to the practice of doing good deeds and taking actions to benefit other people. It involves using one's resources, such as time, money, skills, or influence, to make a positive impact on the well-being of others and the community as a whole.

To understand the meaning of philanthropy, we can break down the word into its etymological components. The word "phil" derives from the Greek term "philos," which means "loving" or "friendship." It conveys the idea of having an affectionate and caring attitude towards something or someone. The root "-anthropy" originates from the Greek word "anthröpos," which means "humanity" or "human." It emphasizes the connection between philanthropy and acts that benefit humanity.

Therefore, philanthropy stands for acts of generosity, compassion, and kindness that are driven by a genuine love and concern for fellow human beings. It involves selflessly working towards the betterment of others and creating positive change in society.