3: What was Christopher Columbus's primary motivation for finding a western route to Asia? (1

Oa. Gold and precious metal

O b. Conversion of people to the Catholic religio

O c. Glory and fame

d. Trade competition with other European nations

a. Gold and precious metal

Christopher Columbus's primary motivation for finding a western route to Asia was trade competition with other European nations. (Option D)

To determine Christopher Columbus's primary motivation for finding a western route to Asia, we can analyze various historical sources. Let's break down each option and explore how to arrive at the correct answer:

Option a: Gold and precious metals
Columbus's search for gold and other valuable resources was certainly a factor in his expedition. To confirm if this was his primary motivation, we can examine Columbus's personal writings, letters, and historical accounts of his interactions with sponsors, such as the Spanish monarchy.

Option b: Conversion of people to the Catholic religion
Religious motivations played a crucial role during the Age of Exploration. Columbus was a devout Catholic, and converting indigenous people to Catholicism was indeed one of his objectives. We can investigate Columbus's correspondence with the Spanish monarchs and the Catholic Church to determine the extent of this motivation.

Option c: Glory and fame
Christopher Columbus's desire for fame and glory is well-documented. He sought recognition from the Spanish monarchy and other influential figures of his time. We can explore Columbus's personal writings, memoirs, and accounts of his interactions with sponsors to establish the significance of this motivation.

Option d: Trade competition with other European nations
Trade competition with other European powers was an influential factor during the Age of Exploration. It is worth considering if Columbus's desire to gain a competitive advantage over other nations was his primary motivation. Examining historical documents related to navigation, trade, and Columbus's interactions with sponsors could provide insights.

To establish Christopher Columbus's primary motivation, we need to analyze multiple historical sources, including personal writings, letters, and historical accounts. These sources can shed light on Columbus's own words, actions, and interactions with sponsors, thus helping us determine the most significant factor driving his expedition.