Online concert tickets cost $37 each, plus a service charge of $8.50 per ticket. The Web site also charges a transaction fee of $14.99 for the purchase. You paid $242.49. How many tickets did you buy?

Let's assume you bought x tickets.

The cost of each ticket is $37 + $8.50 = $<<37+8.5=45.5>>45.50.
The total cost of tickets is x * $45.50.
The total cost of tickets and transaction fee is x * $45.50 + $14.99.

Given that you paid $242.49, we have the equation x * $45.50 + $14.99 = $242.49.
Subtracting $14.99 from both sides of the equation, we get: x * $45.50 = $227.50.
Dividing both sides of the equation by $45.50, we get: x = $227.50 / $45.50 = 5.

Therefore, you bought 5 tickets.

Let's assume you bought x tickets online.

The cost of each ticket is $37.

So the total cost of x tickets without any additional charges will be $37 * x.

But there is also a service charge of $8.50 per ticket.

So the total service charge for x tickets will be $8.50 * x.

Additionally, there is a transaction fee of $14.99.

Adding up all these costs, the total amount you paid is:

$37 * x + $8.50 * x + $14.99

And according to the given information, this total amount is $242.49.

So we can write the equation:

$37x + $8.50x + $14.99 = $242.49

Combining like terms, we get:

$45.50x + $14.99 = $242.49

Now, let's solve for x.

Subtracting $14.99 from both sides of the equation, we get:

$45.50x = $227.50

Dividing both sides of the equation by $45.50, we get:

x = $227.50 / $45.50

x ≈ 5

Therefore, you bought approximately 5 tickets.

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation using the given information. Let's denote the number of tickets as "x".

The cost of each ticket is $37, so the total cost of all the tickets is given by 37x.
The service charge for each ticket is $8.50, so the total service charge for all the tickets is given by 8.50x.
The transaction fee for the purchase is $14.99.

Based on the given information, we can set up the equation:
37x + 8.50x + 14.99 = 242.49

Now, we can simplify the equation:
45.50x + 14.99 = 242.49

Next, we can isolate the variable by subtracting 14.99 from both sides of the equation:
45.50x = 227.50

Finally, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 45.50:
x = 227.50 / 45.50

Evaluating the division, we find:
x ≈ 5

Therefore, you bought approximately 5 tickets.