Mrs. Hara wants to purchase blue light blocking glasses for her family. Company 1 sells the glasses for $40 each, and Company 2 sells the same glasses at 4 for $140. How much will Mrs. Hara save, per pair of glasses, if she uses Company 2?(1 point)





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To find out how much Mrs. Hara will save per pair of glasses by using Company 2, we need to compare the prices of the two companies.

Company 1 sells glasses for $40 each.

Company 2 sells glasses at 4 for $140, which means each pair of glasses costs $140/4 = $35.

Therefore, Mrs. Hara will save $40 - $35 = $5 per pair of glasses if she uses Company 2.

The correct answer is $5.00.

To find out how much Mrs. Hara will save per pair of glasses by using Company 2, we need to compare the price per pair from both companies.

Company 1 sells the glasses for $40 each, so the price per pair is 2 x $40 = $<<2*40=80>>80.

Company 2 sells 4 glasses for $140, so the price per pair is $140 / 4 = $<<140/4=35>>35.

To calculate the savings, we subtract the price per pair from Company 2 from the price per pair from Company 1: $80 - $35 = $<<80-35=45>>45.

Therefore, Mrs. Hara will save $45 per pair of glasses if she uses Company 2.

To compare the prices and determine how much Mrs. Hara can save per pair of glasses, we need to calculate the price per pair for each company.

For Company 1, the price per pair is $40.

For Company 2, we need to calculate the price per pair. Since Mrs. Hara can buy 4 glasses for $140, we divide $140 by 4 to get the price per pair. $140 divided by 4 is $35.

Now we can calculate the savings per pair:

Mrs. Hara will save $40 - $35 = $5 per pair of glasses if she uses Company 2.

Therefore, the correct answer is: $5.00