Read the information on page 2 of Unit 5 Lesson 4. Then explain the types of graphics both Ahmed and Elaine used:

Ahmed wrote a science report about element called halogens. Instead of writing a whole paragraph about the elements' boiling and melting points, he included a graphic. Ahmed chose to show a table of the elements' boiling and melting points. The table made it easier for his readers to see and compare the information at a glance.

Elaine wrote about home usage of energy. Instead of writing a paragraph with a lot of numbers in it, she made a pie chart to show what she wanted to say. A pie chart is one kind of graph; and it, too, allows for the quick study and comparison of details.

Ahmed used a table as his graphic to display the boiling and melting points of the halogens, which allowed for easy comparison of the information. Elaine, on the other hand, used a pie chart to visually represent the data on home usage of energy. This type of graph provides a quick and easy way to analyze and compare the different categories. Both Ahmed and Elaine chose graphics that made it easier for their readers to understand and comprehend the information they were presenting.

Ahmed used a table as his graphic to display the boiling and melting points of the elements called halogens in his science report. The table allowed his readers to easily see and compare the information at a glance.

On the other hand, Elaine used a pie chart to illustrate the information about home usage of energy in her writing. A pie chart is a type of graph that visually represents data. It allowed her to convey her message without needing to use a paragraph with a lot of numbers. This type of graphic also enables the quick study and comparison of details.

Ahmed used a table as his graphic to present information about the boiling and melting points of halogens in his science report. By including a table, Ahmed made it easier for his readers to see and compare the information at a glance. A table organizes data into rows and columns, allowing for a structured presentation of data in a clear and concise manner.

Elaine, on the other hand, chose to use a pie chart in her writing about home usage of energy. A pie chart is a type of graph that displays data as a circle divided into different sections or "slices". Each slice represents a proportion or percentage of the whole. By using a pie chart, Elaine was able to visually represent her data and easily convey the relative distribution of energy usage in a clear and concise way.

Both Ahmed and Elaine used graphics effectively to enhance their writing and make it more easily understandable for their readers. In both cases, the chosen graphics allowed for the quick study and comparison of details, enabling the readers to grasp the information more efficiently.