Two stores sell the same refrigerator for the same original price. Store A advertises that the refrigerator is on sale for 15% off the original price. Store B advertises that it is reducing the refrigerator’s price by $150. When Stephanie compares the sale prices of the refrigerator in both stores, she concludes that the sale prices are equal.

Let p represent the refrigerator’s original price.

Which equation models this situation?


0.85 left parenthesis p minus 150 right parenthesis equals p

0.85 p equals p minus 150

0.15 p equals p plus 180


0.15p equals p minus 150

Stephanie concludes that the sale prices are equal, so we can set up the equation:

0.85(p-150) = p

Thus, the correct equation that models this situation is:

0.85(p-150) = p

To model this situation, let's break down the given information:

- Store A is offering a 15% discount on the original price.
- Store B is reducing the price by $150.

Now, we can set up the equation to represent Stephanie's conclusion that the sale prices are equal.

Let's consider Store A's sale price:

The original price (p) minus the 15% discount (15% of p) should be equal to Store B's sale price (p - $150).

Therefore, the equation that models this situation is:

0.85(p) = p - 150

In this equation, we have taken 15% of the original price by multiplying it by 0.85 (since 0.85 represents 100% - 15%). Then, we set that value equal to the sale price of Store B, which is p - $150.