Drag the events in the correct order Trade grows ,the supply of grain and food increase,farmers begin to use crop rotation, farmers begin using iron plows

1. Farmers begin using iron plows

2. Farmers begin to use crop rotation
3. Trade grows, the supply of grain and food increase

1. Farmers begin using iron plows

2. Farmers begin to use crop rotation
3. Trade grows
4. The supply of grain and food increase

To determine the correct order of these events, we can look at the cause and effect relationship between each event. Let's examine the events step by step:

1. Farmers begin using iron plows: Iron plows were an agricultural innovation that increased the efficiency of farming. This event likely occurred first, as it laid the foundation for improved farming techniques.

2. Farmers begin to use crop rotation: Crop rotation is a technique where farmers grow different crops in a specific sequence on their fields. This practice helps to maintain soil fertility and prevent soil depletion. Farmers likely adopted crop rotation after using iron plows since the increased productivity from iron plows would have created a need for more sustainable farming practices.

3. Trade grows, the supply of grain and food increases: The increased efficiency and productivity resulting from iron plows and crop rotation would have led to a surplus of grain and food. This surplus supply could then be traded with other regions or communities, resulting in the growth of trade.

Based on this analysis, the correct order of events is:

1. Farmers begin using iron plows.
2. Farmers begin using crop rotation.
3. Trade grows, and the supply of grain and food increases.

Remember that this is just one possible order based on the cause-effect relationship. Historical events can vary, and other factors may have influenced the sequence as well.