Label the locations controlled by the United States, Britain, and Spain following the Treaty of Paris to end the American Revolution. (1 point)

United States

United States

Following the Treaty of Paris to end the American Revolution, the locations controlled by the United States included the thirteen colonies along the east coast, which would eventually become the original states of the United States of America.

Britain retained control of various territories such as Upper and Lower Canada (present-day Canada), parts of present-day Florida, and various Caribbean islands such as Jamaica and Barbados.

Spain maintained control over Florida (which they acquired from Britain) and also retained ownership of the Louisiana Territory, which had been secretly transferred to them by France prior to the Treaty of Paris.

To determine the locations controlled by the United States, Britain, and Spain following the Treaty of Paris, we need to look at the specific terms of the treaty. The Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783, and it marked the official end of the American Revolution. It was a peace agreement between the United States and Great Britain, and Spain was also a party to the treaty, having supported the American colonists during the war.

According to the terms of the Treaty of Paris, the United States obtained independence from Britain and was granted control over a specific territory. This territory, known as the "Thirteen Colonies" prior to the revolution, included present-day states such as New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Therefore, the United States was now in control of these locations.

Britain, on the other hand, retained control over certain colonies in North America. They kept the territory of Canada, which included present-day Ontario and Quebec.

Spain, as a result of its involvement in the war and negotiations with Britain, gained control over specific areas. They retained control over Florida, which at that time encompassed present-day Florida and parts of the Gulf Coast region.

So, to summarize, the locations controlled by each country following the Treaty of Paris were:

- The United States controlled the Thirteen Colonies, which became the sovereign territory of the United States of America.
- Britain retained control over Canada (present-day Ontario and Quebec).
- Spain gained control over Florida (present-day Florida and parts of the Gulf Coast region).

These changes in control were formally recognized and established by the treaty, shaping the future borders and territorial divisions in North America.