Which of the following is a good choice according to the Dietary Guidelines?

diet soft drinks
frozen yogurt
gummy fruit snacks

Salmon is the good choice according to the Dietary Guidelines.

According to the Dietary Guidelines, a good choice would be salmon.

According to the Dietary Guidelines, among the options you mentioned, salmon would be a good choice. To determine if a food is a good choice according to the Dietary Guidelines, you would need to consider the recommended dietary intake for nutrients and also consider factors such as its nutritional content and health benefits.

In this case, diet soft drinks and gummy fruit snacks may not be considered good choices according to the Dietary Guidelines. Diet soft drinks often contain artificial sweeteners and lack essential nutrients. Gummy fruit snacks, while they may contain some fruit flavoring, are typically high in added sugars and may not provide the same nutritional benefits as whole fruits.

Frozen yogurt can be a better option compared to regular ice cream, but it can still be high in added sugars and fats. It is important to consider portion sizes and toppings when choosing frozen yogurt.

On the other hand, salmon is generally considered a good choice according to the Dietary Guidelines. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality protein, and various vitamins and minerals. Including fish like salmon in your diet is recommended as part of a healthy eating pattern.

To make the best choices according to the Dietary Guidelines, it is important to prioritize foods that are nutrient-dense, meaning they provide a good amount of essential nutrients while limiting added sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium. Reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists can also help you compare and choose healthier options.