ben and peter are playing horseshoes. ben takes the first turn and his horseshoes lands three-fourths of the way to the target. peter takes the next turn, and his horseshoes lands past the target. which statement best explains the results.

the horsehoes have the same mass, but peter threw with less force than ben.
peter used a horsehoe with more mass and threw with the same force as ben.
peter used a horsehoe with more mass and threw with less force than ben.
the horsehoes have the same mass. but peter threw with more force than peter

The statement "peter used a horseshoe with more mass and threw with less force than ben" best explains the results.

The statement that best explains the results is:

The horseshoes have the same mass, but Peter threw with less force than Ben.

To determine the best explanation for the results of Ben and Peter's throws in horseshoes, we need to analyze the information given.

First, let's consider Ben's throw. It landed three-fourths of the way to the target. This means that Ben threw the horseshoe with a certain amount of force, resulting in it not reaching the target but coming close.

Next, we have Peter's throw. It landed past the target, indicating that Peter threw the horseshoe with more force than Ben.

Considering these factors, we can eliminate the options that suggest the horseshoes have different masses. The question states that the horseshoes have the same mass, so we can't compare their results based on mass.

Now, we are left with two options remaining:
1. Peter used a horseshoe with more mass but threw with the same force as Ben.
2. Peter used a horseshoe with more mass and threw with less force than Ben.

Since the question states that Peter's horseshoe landed past the target, it implies that he threw with more force than Ben. Therefore, the best explanation is that Peter used a horseshoe with more mass and threw with less force than Ben.