After Judisim to emerage witch religon was developed next

After Judaism, the religion that emerged next was Zoroastrianism. It was founded by the prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra) in ancient Persia around the 6th century BCE. Zoroastrianism became the dominant religion of the Persian Empire and influenced various religious and philosophical traditions, including elements of Christianity and Islam.

After Judaism emerged, the next major religion to develop was Christianity. Christianity originated in the 1st century AD and was founded by Jesus Christ and his disciples. It emerged from within Judaism but quickly developed into a distinct religion. It grew in popularity primarily through the teachings and spread of Jesus' disciples, particularly the Apostle Paul. Christianity eventually became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire and has since spread to become one of the most widely practiced religions in the world.

After Judaism, the religion that emerged next is Christianity.

To find this answer yourself, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching the history of Judaism. You can use online resources, books, or academic journals for this purpose. Understand the timeline and development of Judaism and its major figures and events.

2. Once you have a good understanding of Judaism, move on to the history of other major religions. Specifically, focus on the time period following the emergence of Judaism.

3. Look for events or figures that influenced or led to the development of new religions during that time. This could include social, cultural, or political factors that played a role in the formation of new religious movements.

4. Identify the key religions that emerged after Judaism. Christianity is one such religion that developed in the first century CE and was heavily influenced by Judaism.

By following these steps, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical development of religions and find the answer to your question.