To solve the equation 58(x−12)=10, the first step is to reverse the multiplication. What number should both sides be divided by?

To solve the equation 58(x-12) = 10, the first step is to reverse the multiplication by dividing both sides by 58.

To reverse the multiplication in the equation 58(x−12)=10, we need to divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of the variable x, which is 58. By doing so, we isolate the variable on one side of the equation and solve for its value.

Dividing both sides by 58, we get:

\[\frac{58(x-12)}{58} = \frac{10}{58}\]

Simplifying, we have:

\[x - 12 = \frac{10}{58}\]

Thus, both sides of the equation should be divided by 58.

To solve the equation 58(x−12)=10, the first step is indeed to reverse the multiplication by using the inverse operation, which is division. In order to isolate the variable x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of x.

In this case, the coefficient of x is 58. So, to "undo" the multiplication by 58, we should divide both sides of the equation by 58.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 58 yields:

[58(x−12)] / 58 = 10 / 58

Simplifying further, we get:

x - 12 = 10 / 58

Now, we can move on to solving for x by performing additional operations.