which are true of majorities and pluranties? Select all that apply.

(1 point)
A majority is a position held by more than half of a group.
A plurality is a position held by more than half of a group.
A majority is a position held by less than half of the group but is still the most popular decision.
A plurality is held by less than half of the group but is still the most popular position.

A majority is a position held by more than half of a group.

A plurality is held by less than half of the group but is still the most popular position.

The true statements regarding majorities and pluralities are:

- A majority is a position held by more than half of a group.
- A plurality is held by less than half of the group but is still the most popular position.

To determine which of the statements are true of majorities and pluralities, let's break down their definitions and characteristics.

1. A majority is a position held by more than half of a group.
This statement is true. A majority refers to a decision or position that is supported by more than 50% of the group. It implies that the majority opinion is the prevailing or winning position.

2. A plurality is a position held by more than half of a group.
This statement is incorrect. A plurality refers to a situation in which a specific option or position is the most popular one among several alternatives, but it does not necessarily exceed 50% of the group. In other words, it means having the largest share of the vote or support, even if it falls short of a majority.

3. A majority is a position held by less than half of the group but is still the most popular decision.
This statement is incorrect. As mentioned earlier, a majority requires support from over half of the group, not less. If the position held by less than half of the group, it cannot be considered a majority.

4. A plurality is held by less than half of the group but is still the most popular position.
This statement is correct. A plurality does not require support from more than half of the group. It simply means being the most popular choice among the alternatives, even if it falls short of a majority.

Therefore, the correct statements are as follows:
- A majority is a position held by more than half of a group.
- A plurality is held by less than half of the group but is still the most popular position.