Maria opens a savings account with $50 and then saves $19 each week. How many weeks will it take for her account to reach $259? Represent this problem with an equation.(1 point)





Let x be the number of weeks it will take for Maria's account to reach $259.

The amount in her account after x weeks is $50 + $19(x).
We can represent this problem with the equation: $50 + $19(x) = $259.

Let's represent the problem with an equation:

Let x be the number of weeks it will take for Maria's account to reach $259.

Maria saves $19 each week.

We know that she opens the account with $50.

Therefore, the equation is:

19x + 50 = 259.

To represent this problem with an equation, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Maria opens a savings account with $50.
This means that initially, her account balance is $50.

Step 2: Maria saves $19 each week.
Since she saves the same amount each week, after the first week, her account balance will be $50 + $19 = $69. Similarly, after the second week, her balance will be $69 + $19 = $88, and so on. We can see that her account balance increases by $19 every week.

Step 3: How many weeks will it take for Maria's account to reach $259?
So, we want to find the number of weeks, denoted as 'x', it takes for her account balance to reach $259.

Therefore, we can set up the following equation to represent the problem:
$50 + $19x = $259

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of 'x'.