Karen measured her height as 59 inches. That is 27 inches more than half her older sister’s height. How tall is her older sister?(1 point

Let's use algebra to solve this problem. Let's say Karen's older sister's height is represented by "x" inches.

According to the problem, Karen's height is 27 inches more than half her older sister's height. So we can write the equation:

59 = (1/2)x + 27

To solve for x, we first need to subtract 27 from both sides:

59 - 27 = (1/2)x + 27 - 27

32 = (1/2)x

Next, we multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to get rid of the fraction:

2 * 32 = 2 * (1/2)x

64 = x

Therefore, Karen's older sister's height is 64 inches.

To find out how tall Karen's older sister is, we need to subtract 27 inches from Karen's height.

59 inches - 27 inches = 32 inches

Therefore, Karen's older sister is 32 inches tall.

To find the height of Karen's older sister, we need to calculate half of Karen's height and then subtract 27 inches.

1. Start by calculating half of Karen's height: 59 inches / 2 = 29.5 inches
2. Next, subtract 27 inches from half of Karen's height: 29.5 inches - 27 inches = 2.5 inches

Therefore, Karen's older sister's height is 2.5 inches.