This song contains 3 phrases equal in length. How many measures long is each individual phrase?

1 point

Since the song contains 3 phrases that are equal in length, we need to divide the total number of measures by 3 to find out how long each individual phrase is.

To determine the length of each individual phrase in the song, divide the total number of measures by the number of phrases, which is 3 in this case.

Total number of measures = 24

Number of phrases = 3

Length of each individual phrase = Total number of measures / Number of phrases = 24 / 3 = 8

Therefore, each individual phrase is 8 measures long.

To determine the length of each individual phrase in the song, we need to find the number of measures in the song and divide it by the number of phrases.

In this case, we are given that the song contains 3 phrases and a total length of 24 measures.

To find the length of each phrase, divide the total number of measures (24) by the number of phrases (3):

24 measures / 3 phrases = 8 measures per phrase.

Therefore, each individual phrase in the song is 8 measures long.

So the correct answer is: 8.