A) The Industrial Revolution created migration due to which factors? (1 point)

political factors
environmental factors
economic factors
social factors

only one

economic factors

The Industrial Revolution created migration primarily due to economic factors.

The Industrial Revolution created migration primarily due to economic factors.

To answer this question, we need to understand what the Industrial Revolution was and its impact on different aspects of society.

The Industrial Revolution was a period of rapid industrialization and technological advancements that occurred in the 18th and 19th centuries. It led to significant changes in manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and communication.

One of the major consequences of the Industrial Revolution was the shift from agriculture-based economies to industrialized economies. Factories and industries emerged, offering job opportunities and higher wages in urban areas. As a result, people from rural areas and smaller towns started migrating to urban centers in search of better employment opportunities. This migration was driven by economic factors, such as the desire for higher incomes and improved living standards.

While political, environmental, and social factors may have also played a role in migration during the Industrial Revolution, economic factors were the primary driving force behind the large-scale movement of people.