
Analyze the following scenario and determine the reason for migration.
In 1947, the British ended their colonial presence with the partition of India. As a result, some 17 million individuals were displaced.
(1 point)
forced environmental migration
forced economic migration
voluntary economic migration
forced political migration

forced political migration

Based on the given scenario, the reason for migration would be forced political migration. The partition of India in 1947 led to the displacement of around 17 million individuals.

To determine the reason for migration in the given scenario, we need to analyze the historical context of the partition of India in 1947. This event led to the displacement of millions of people, and there are different factors that could explain their migration.

Forced environmental migration occurs when people are compelled to leave their homes due to the degradation or destruction of their environment. While environmental factors can indirectly influence migration decisions, such as droughts or floods, they do not appear to be the primary reason for migration in this scenario.

Forced economic migration occurs when individuals are compelled to leave their homes due to economic factors such as poverty, lack of employment opportunities, or seeking better living conditions. Economic motivations can play a role in migration decisions, but it is important to analyze the specific conditions in this scenario.

Voluntary economic migration refers to individuals choosing to migrate for economic reasons like seeking better job prospects or higher wages. Again, while this might be a factor for some individuals, it may not fully explain the mass displacement seen in this scenario.

Forced political migration involves individuals being compelled to leave their homes due to political factors, such as conflicts, persecution, or the restructuring of political boundaries. In the case of the partition of India, it was a predominantly political event. The division of British India into two separate nations, India and Pakistan, based on religious lines resulted in widespread violence and communal clashes. Numerous people were forced to migrate due to their religious identities or to avoid violence, making forced political migration the most appropriate reason for migration in this scenario.

Therefore, the reason for migration in this scenario is forced political migration.