Plate Tectonics Quick Check

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Which statement best explains the process of subduction?(1 point)

An oceanic plate covers a continental plate.
An oceanic plate covers a continental plate.

Magma rises through the cracks in a solid rock plate.
Magma rises through the cracks in a solid rock plate.

One plates slides past another plate horizontally.
One plates slides past another plate horizontally.

A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.
A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.
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A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.

A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.

To determine which statement best explains the process of subduction, we need to understand what subduction is. Subduction refers to the process where one tectonic plate moves underneath another plate and sinks into the Earth's mantle. This usually occurs when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate or another oceanic plate.

Going through the options:

1. "An oceanic plate covers a continental plate." This statement does not accurately describe the process of subduction. Subduction involves one plate moving underneath another, rather than one plate covering another.

2. "Magma rises through the cracks in a solid rock plate." This statement describes a different geologic process known as volcanic activity, where magma rises to the surface through cracks in the Earth's crust. It does not accurately explain subduction.

3. "One plate slides past another plate horizontally." This statement describes a different type of tectonic plate boundary called a transform boundary, where plates slide horizontally past each other, such as along the San Andreas Fault. It does not accurately explain subduction.

4. "A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate." This statement accurately describes the process of subduction. When a denser oceanic plate meets a lighter continental plate, the denser oceanic plate sinks beneath the continental plate due to its greater density.

Therefore, the correct option is: A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.