Find the cubic root of 96.

O 2√7
O 4√6
O 2√12
O 2√12

The cubic root of 96 is 4√6.

To find the cubic root of 96, follow these steps:

1. Start with the number 96.
2. Find the prime factorization of 96: 96 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 = 2^5 * 3.
3. Group the factors in sets of three: (2^3) * (2^2) * 3.
4. Simplify each group by taking out one factor from each group: 2 * 2 * 3 = 12.
5. The cubic root of 96 is therefore 2√12.

So, the correct answer is 2√12.

To find the cubic root of 96, you can use a calculator or approximation method to find the answer. However, since you provided multiple choices, we can check them to find the correct one.

Choice 1: 2√7
Taking the cubic root of 96, which is approximately 4.1588, this does not match with 2√7, so this option is incorrect.

Choice 2: 4√6
Again, taking the cubic root of 96, we see that it is not approximately 4√6, so this option is incorrect as well.

Choice 3: 2√12
The third option is 2√12. Let's calculate the cubic root of 96 and determine if it matches this option. The cubic root of 96 is approximately 4.3267. By simplifying 2√12, we get 2 * 2√3 = 4√3. So, this option does not match the correct answer.

Choice 4: 2√12
The fourth option is also 2√12. However, we have already verified that this is not the correct answer.

None of the given options match the correct answer. Therefore, it seems there might be a mistake in the answer choices provided. Would you like me to explain how to actually find the correct cubic root of 96?