What is the central idea in hang on dolly by Sally Lee

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information about a book or poem titled "Hang on Dolly" by Sally Lee. It's possible that this is a lesser-known or unpublished work. Can you provide more information or context about the source or author?

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information about a book or story called "Hang on Dolly" by Sally Lee. It is possible that the title is misspelled or that the story is not well-known. Could you please provide more information or clarify your question?

To determine the central idea in the book "Hang on Dolly" by Sally Lee, there are several steps you can take:

1. Read the book: Start by reading the book thoroughly. Pay attention to the main events, character development, and key themes.

2. Identify major themes: Look for recurring ideas or concepts in the book. Consider the messages or lessons the author may be trying to convey.

3. Analyze the plot: Examine the overall storyline and plot structure. Consider any conflicts or challenges that the characters face and how they resolve them.

4. Look for character motivations: Pay attention to the desires, goals, and motivations of the main characters. Understanding what drives them can help uncover the central idea.

5. Consider author's intent: Think about what the author may have intended to communicate through the story. Consider any underlying social, cultural, or personal issues that the author might be addressing.

By following these steps and thoroughly analyzing the book, you should be able to identify the central idea or main message of "Hang on Dolly" by Sally Lee.