what do mis hermanos in spain

In Spain, "mis hermanos" means "my siblings" in English.

"Mis hermanos" means "my siblings" in English.

"Mis hermanos" in Spanish translates to "my brothers" in English. It refers to siblings who are male. If you are asking about what your brothers are doing in Spain, it would depend on the specific context and circumstances. To find out what your brothers are doing in Spain, you can:

1. Communicate with them: Reach out to your brothers and ask them directly about their activities, plans, or any specific information you want to know. You can use various communication methods such as phone calls, video chats, emails, or social media messaging.

2. Check their social media profiles: If your brothers have public social media accounts, you can try to gather information about their activities by checking their posts, photos, or updates. However, keep in mind that privacy settings may limit your access to their profiles or posts.

3. Ask family members or mutual acquaintances: If you have other family members or friends who might have information about your brothers in Spain, you could ask them for any details they might know.

Remember, understanding their specific situation and what they are doing in Spain requires direct communication or access to firsthand information from reliable sources.