which of the following words best describes the she wolf as portrayed in the divine comedy



The word "wicked" best describes the she wolf as portrayed in the Divine Comedy.

To determine which word best describes the she wolf as portrayed in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, we can take a closer look at the characteristics and behavior of the she wolf in the text. In this case, the she wolf symbolizes a particular sin or negative attribute. Let's break down the options:

1. Enraged: While the she wolf does display aggression and hostility towards the protagonist Dante, she is not explicitly described as being enraged. Therefore, this word may not be the best choice.

2. Selfish: The she wolf's actions in the Divine Comedy could be interpreted as being driven by self-interest, as she obstructs Dante's path and prevents him from reaching salvation. This word seems applicable.

3. Unpleasant: "Unpleasant" is a vague descriptive term that does not necessarily capture the specific attributes of the she wolf in the Divine Comedy. It may not be the most precise choice.

4. Wicked: The she wolf's actions can be seen as wicked, as she represents one of the three beasts that symbolize different sins (the she wolf representing avarice or greed). This word aligns with her negative and morally corrupt nature.

Based on the context, both "selfish" and "wicked" seem to be appropriate choices to describe the she wolf in the Divine Comedy.