Conjugate verb in the following sentence:

Ustedes _____ (escribir) libros en español.
1 point


The verb "escribir" is being used in the sentence, so we need to find the correct conjugation for "ustedes". The correct conjugation is "escriben".

To conjugate the verb "escribir" in the given sentence, you need to use the correct form for the subject "ustedes," which is the plural form of "you" in Spanish. Here's how you can get the answer:

Step 1: Identify the verb stem.

Verb stem: "escrib-"

Step 2: Add the appropriate ending for the subject "ustedes."

The correct ending for "ustedes" in the present tense is "-en."

Step 3: Combine the verb stem and the appropriate ending.

Conjugated verb: "escriben"

Therefore, the correct conjugation of the verb "escribir" in the given sentence is "Ustedes escriben."