Based on the tables showing the price of buying different amounts of two brands of sugar, Suman determined that Sweet Sugar was the better buy based on price alone. How much money per pound will Suman save if he buys the Sweet Sugar brand?

(1 point)

To determine how much money per pound Suman will save by buying the Sweet Sugar brand, we need to compare the prices of the two brands.

Let's say the price per pound of the Sweet Sugar brand is $X.
According to the tables, the price per pound of the other brand is $Y.

To calculate the amount saved per pound, we need to find the difference between the prices of the two brands.
This can be calculated as:
Amount saved per pound = $Y - $X

Therefore, the amount of money per pound that Suman will save by buying the Sweet Sugar brand is $Y - $X.

In order to determine how much money per pound Suman will save by buying the Sweet Sugar brand, we need to compare the prices of both brands. However, the tables showing the price of buying different amounts of two brands of sugar have not been provided. Please provide more information or the necessary data to calculate the savings.

To determine how much money per pound Suman will save if he buys the Sweet Sugar brand, we need to compare the prices of the two brands. Let's assume that the prices are given in the table below:

Brand | Price per pound
Sweet Sugar | $X
Other Brand | $Y

If Suman wants to calculate the money saved per pound, he needs to subtract the price of the Other Brand from the price of the Sweet Sugar brand. The formula to do this is:

Money saved per pound = Price of Sweet Sugar - Price of Other Brand

So, to calculate the money saved per pound, Suman needs to know the prices of both brands of sugar.