Maria opens a savings account with $50 and then saves $19 each week. How many weeks will it take for her account to reach $259? Represent this problem with an equation.(1 point)


259 plus 50 is equal to 19 x

19 x plus 50 is equal to 259

19 x minus 50 is equal to 259

50 x plus 19 is equal to 259

19x + 50 = 259

The correct equation to represent this problem is:

19x + 50 = 259

To represent this problem with an equation, we need to determine the relationship between the amount of money saved each week and the total amount in the savings account.

Maria saves $19 each week, so after 'x' weeks, she will have saved 19x dollars.

The initial amount in the savings account is $50. So the total amount in the account after 'x' weeks will be 50 + 19x.

Therefore, the correct equation to represent this problem is:

50 + 19x = 259