Which concept of relative dating refers to the process of matching similar fossils from different locations? (1 point)



law of inclusion
law of inclusion


law of crosscutting


The concept of relative dating that refers to the process of matching similar fossils from different locations is called correlation.

The concept of relative dating that refers to the process of matching similar fossils from different locations is called correlation. To understand this concept, we need to have some knowledge about relative dating methods used in geology.

Relative dating is a technique used to determine the age of rocks and fossils by comparing them to other rocks and fossils in the surrounding area. It does not provide an exact age but allows us to establish a relative chronology, meaning determining which rocks or fossils are older or younger than others.

When it comes to matching similar fossils from different locations, scientists use the principle of correlation. This principle involves comparing the assemblage of fossils found in one location with the fossils found in another location. By examining the characteristics of the fossils and their distribution, scientists can determine if they are similar and likely to have formed during the same period.

To apply the principle of correlation, scientists look for key fossil species known as index fossils. Index fossils are species that existed for a short period of time but were geographically widespread. These fossils can be used as markers to correlate rock layers in different locations.

So, in summary, the concept of correlation in relative dating refers to the process of matching similar fossils from different locations to establish a relative chronology. It involves comparing the assemblage of fossils and using index fossils as markers for correlation purposes.

I might give answers in the end, but I'm not sure. I'm pretty busy today.

Ok, the answers are:

C: Correlation
B: Intruding objects are older in the law of inclusion
C: Both areas were covered by seawater at some time
C: Law of superposition
These are only for Connexus.