This group was made up of fierce fighters who would protect Georgia's southern border from invasion by the Spanish.

• Highland Scots
• Malcontents
• Salzburgers
• Trustees

The group made up of fierce fighters who would protect Georgia's southern border from invasion by the Spanish includes the Highland Scots, Malcontents, and Trustees. The Trustees were the governing body of the Georgia colony and would have played a role in organizing the defense of the southern border. The Highland Scots were Scottish immigrants who were known for their warrior and fighting skills, making them a natural choice for protection. The Malcontents were a group of colonists who were dissatisfied with the policies of the Trustees and advocated for a more aggressive approach towards the Spanish.

The group that was made up of fierce fighters to protect Georgia's southern border from invasion by the Spanish were the Highland Scots.

The group that was made up of fierce fighters to protect Georgia's southern border from invasion by the Spanish was the Highland Scots.

To find the answer to this question, we can use a combination of general knowledge and research. First, we need to understand the historical context and the countries involved. Georgia, in this case, refers to the British colony of Georgia in the 18th century. Spain, on the other hand, was a European power that had colonial territories in the Americas at that time.

Next, we can look at the given options:

1. Highland Scots: This refers to Scottish people from the Highlands who migrated to Georgia. The Scots, especially the Highland clans, were known for their martial traditions and warrior culture.

2. Malcontents: The term "malcontents" generally refers to people who are dissatisfied or discontented. While there may have been groups or individuals within Georgia who were dissatisfied for some reason, there is no specific mention of them being fierce fighters in the context of protecting Georgia's southern border from Spanish invasion.

3. Salzburgers: The Salzburgers were a group of German-speaking Protestant refugees from the Archbishopric of Salzburg (modern-day Austria) who settled in Georgia. They were not specifically known for their fighting prowess.

4. Trustees: The Trustees refer to the Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia, a group of British philanthropists who founded the Georgia colony. They were responsible for the overall administration and governance of the colony, but they were not necessarily fierce fighters.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the Highland Scots were the group made up of fierce fighters who protected Georgia's southern border from Spanish invasion.